2011 May
Focus on... Recreational Amenities & Community Programs

Recreation Get Active, Stay Active
2011 May Get Active, Stay Active

 You’ve all seen the ads, whether you’re over 55 or not. They’re called “active adult” communities, “retirement” communities, “over-55” communities, “active-lifestyle” communities or any number of other names.    Popular locations f…

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Recreation The Lap of Luxury
2011 May The Lap of Luxury

It’s a different world for amenities, these days. Just a decade ago, if you were fortunate enough to live in a building with a gated entrance or a nicely-landscaped swimming pool, you thought you hit the jackpot. It was easy f…

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Recreation Installing an In-House Gym
2011 May Installing an In-House Gym

 Like any major project in a co-op or condominium, installing a gym is made up of  two separate yet equally important parts: The brass tacks of planning and  executing the project, and the politics of running it through the board and  resi…

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Recreation Keep it Clean
2011 May Keep it Clean

Years ago, when apartment residents wanted to do laundry, they gathered their basket and detergent, loaded up their pockets with quarters and perhaps a good book or their Walkman and trudged downstairs to the dark, dingy laundry room. A…

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Recreation Community in Diversity
2011 May Community in Diversity

 New Jersey has a long tradition of being culturally diverse, and that tradition  continues to evolve today. New Jersey's Gold Coast has large populations of  Asian, Indian/Hindi and Hasidim. Other areas have large populations of  Pakistan…

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Q&A Q&A: Defining a Service Animal
2011 May Q&A: Defining a Service Animal

Q Do you have any information/documents that define the legal standards for a service animal? We have a pending request based on loosely-worded physician prescriptions and are concerned that approval of such may open the door for o…

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Q&A Q&A: Giving an Association's Streets To a Township
2011 May Q&A: Giving an Association's Streets To a Township

Q Our association will be voting soon on giving our streets to our township. The township will repay us for snow removal. My question: is it generally a good thing to give your streets away? —Mulling Municipal Reimbursement …

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